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The Keystone Martial Arts Logo

Below is the official insignia of Keystone Martial Arts. This symbol was created by Master Mark Jorgensen and is worn proudly on the back of each student's do bohk (uniform). The Keystone Martial Arts logo is comprised of several different symbols, each with a distinct meaning.


Literally, a keystone is the central or topmost stone in an arch. It is this stone that holds the arch together, giving the structure its overall strength and preventing inevitable collapse.

Metaphorically speaking, a keystone is the central supporting element of a whole. It is that which helps to support and keep a larger whole together.

The idea of the keystone has several meanings for Keystone Martial Arts:

  1. Keystone Martial Arts is located in Pennsylvania, the "Keystone State", so called from its having been the central State of the Union at the formation of the U.S. Constitution.

  2. At the time of its inception, in 2002, Keystone Martial Arts was a part of Region 8, where the World Tang Soo Do Association was founded. Region 8 is home to World Tang Soo Do Headquarters and Grandmaster Jae C. Shin, and thus serves as a keystone for the World Tang Soo Do Association.

  3. In 2010, due to massive growth, Region 8 was split, and Keystone Martial Arts became a member of the new region: Region 22. Keystone Martial Arts has grown to become one of the larger schools in Region 22, and as such, provides a keystone role in many of the Regional events. It is our hope that one day Keystone Martial Arts will grow to become a true keystone studio to the World Tang Soo Do Association.

  4. Master Mark Jorgensen was the first registered student at Vaughn's Dojang. Together with several other founding students, Master Jorgensen went on to become one of Master Vaughn's first black belts, helping to form the keystone of Vaughn's Dojang.

  5. Since attaining the rank of 4th Dan master Instructor, Master Jorgensen has redesigned the central keystone of the logo to incorporate the symbol of the master's belt. The masters of the WTSDA form its keystone. This rank is the ultimate goal of all students, not because of implied physical skills, but because of the service to others it represents.

If you look closely at the logo above, you will notice that there are actually five separate keystone shapes; two at the sides in the center, and three in the center of the logo, represented by the three bands of the master's belt. The presence of five separate keystones reflects the 5-way meaning of the keystone to Keystone Martial Arts. One represents location, one represents affiliation, one represents the past, one represents the present, and one represents the future.

Dragon/Tiger Combination:

The dragon and tiger together make up the symbol for Vaughn's Dojang, which can be seen here.

The dragon and tiger are included together in the Keystone Martial Arts logo as a tribute to Master Charles Vaughn and his efforts to expand Tang Soo Do, as well as to serve as a reminder of our origins. The dragon and tiger used in the Vaughn's Dojang logo are derived from the ancient symbols of the Shaolin Temple, which were branded onto the forearms of ancient Shaolin disciples.

The centermost keystone shape and the area enclosed inside it represent the past, while the outermost keystone shape and the area outside of it represent the future. The red area between the two black keystones represents the present. Note that the Dragon twists throughout past, present, and future, in a neverending cycle, while the tiger steps out of the past, stands with a portion of each paw in the present, and extends one paw toward the future, all in a line.


The dragon is a creature of the spirit; of the imagination. It is not bound by the limits of the physical world. The dragon is pensive, thoughtful, and introspective. Its actions are based on conscious decision rather than blind instinct. The dragon represents the potential for mental and spiritual growth in all students. The dragon in the Keystone Martial Arts logo is twisted into the symbol for infinity, illustrating that this potential is infinite.


The tiger is a creature of physical instinct. While bound to the limits of the physical world, its actions are not limited by thought. They are instead immediate and intuitive. The tiger represents the student's potential to react to situations intuitively, making correct decisions without conscious thought. It also illustrates the student's potential for physical development, creating a healthy body in conjunction with a healthy mind. The tiger in the Keystone Martial Arts logo has one paw extended, indicating that it is always ready to act.

Copyright Keystone Martial Arts, 2025
The information/content within the pages of the Keystone Martial Arts web site is the sole property of Keystone Martial Arts
and the World Tang Soo Do Association. The images and information contained herein may not be reproduced without
the express written permission of Keystone Martial Arts and the World Tang Soo Do Association.
  World Tang Soo Do Association Headquarters
2436 Hanford Road
Burlington, NC 27215
Phone: 215-468-2121
Fax: 215-336-2121
Keystone Martial Arts I
Rose E. Schneider Family YMCA
2001 Ehrman Rd
Cranberry Twp, PA 16066
Phone: 724-452-9122
Keystone Martial Arts II
422 Mill Street
Coraopolis, PA 15108
Phone: 412-262-1819
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